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Subject 3051, Atlas, one of the test subjects sent back in time to test the newly
invented time machine, found out that he was stuck in a time loop after wanting to
travel back when finishing his task. Luckily, a failsafe is implemented to break a
time loop after subject 2065 and subject 2102 was stuck in a time loop. However,
to trigger this failsafe, the device will need to go through 100 loops to have a
balance amount of hollow energy that will be created when reality distorts and
time energy that the device already has.

Concept Art - The Final Countdown

After looping for 99 times, reality is at its limit, the failsafe for the time travelling
device will trigger after the hollow energy is balanced. Prepare for battle. 


BananaEatingLlama_ConceptArt.zip 80 MB

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